Bach Bibliography
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Author : David, Hans T.
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TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. David, Hans T.Die Gestalt von Bachs Chromatischer Fantasie. BachJb 23 1926 23-67
2. David, Hans T.Zu Bachs 'Kunst der Fuge'. Kritischer Anhang. JbMbibPeters 34 1927 55-63
3. David, Hans T. (ed.)Die Kunst der Fuge / Joh. Seb. Bach. Hrsg. von Hans Th. David. Diese Ausgabe ist Herrn Professor Dr. Johannes Wolf in liebevoller Bewunderung zugeeignet. - Leipzig: C. F. Peters, 1928. xvi, 148p, [16p (Revisionsbericht)]. Pl.-Nr.: 10625. [BWV 1080] 1928 xvi, 148p
4. David, Hans T.Anordnung und Instrumentation des 'Musikalischen Opfers'. Bachfeier_Leipzig 1928 8-9
5. David, Hans T.Die Gesamtanlage von Bachs 'H-Moll-Messe'. [fs]Wolf60 1929 13-23
6. David, Hans TheodorTechnik und 'Inhalt' bei Bach. (Aus einem Aufsatz über die 'Kunst der Fuge' in der Frankfurter Zeitung vom 16. 1. 29.) ZsfKmlBeamte 11 2 15 Apr 1929 10
7. David, Hans T.Bach's 'Musical Offering'. MQ 23 3 Jul 1937 314-332
8. David, Hans T.The Structure of Musical Collections up to 1750. Abstract of Paper Read before Greater New York Chapter on January 22nd, 1937. BulAMSoc 3 Apr 1939 2-5
9. David, Hans T. (arr.)Musical offering by Johann Sebastian Bach. Authentic text and version for practical performance prepared by Hans T. David for string and wind ensembles with keyboard instrument. - New York, N.Y.: G. Schirmer, 1944. 88p + 8 St. Pl.-Nr.: 40062, 40063. [BWV 1079] 1944 88p + 8 St
10. David, Hans T.; Mendel, Arthur (eds.)The Bach Reader. A Life of Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents. N. Y., London: W. W. Norton, 1945, 431p. - Revised, with a Supplement 1966, 474p. 1945 474p
11. David, Hans T.J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. History, Interpretation, and Analysis. New York: Dover, 1945. R/1972, xi, 190p; London: Constable, 1972, 190p. 1945 xi, 190p
12. David, Hans T.Johann Sebastian Bach. Notes 7 4 Sep 1950 630-633
13. David, Hans T.A Lesser Secret of J. S. Bach Uncovered. [BWV 241] JAMSoc 14 2 Summer 1961 199-223
14. David, Hans T.The Original Titles of Bachs Works. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 5-14
15. David, Hans T.Bach Form: Ground Plans by the Late Professor Hans T. David. Aria mit 30 Variationen (Goldberg Variations) -- J. S. Bach [1742]. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 15-16
16. David, Hans T.Bach's Problems and Artistic Creed. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 6-13
17. David, Hans T.Bach Form -- A Letter and Ground-Plan. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 14-17
18. David, Hans T.The art of the Fugue. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 5-21
19. David, Hans T.Structures of Some Composite Works of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 28-30
20. David, Hans T.Litterae ab musicis. Hans David Disclaims the Authenticity of a 'Bach Holograph'. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 31-32
21. David, Hans T.Johann Sebastian Bach und Johann Caspar Kerll. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Sanctus BWV 241. WegeDerF 170 1970 425-465
22. David, Hans T.Johann Sebastian Bach's Great Mass. A Brief Introduction to the Ground Plan Charts and Illustrations. Bach 2 1 Jan 1971 29-32
23. David, Hans T.Litterae ab musicis. [Letter to Alfred Einstein] [BWV 1079, 1080] Bach 2 1 Jan 1971 33-34
24. David, Hans T.Hebrew Letters in Polyphonic Settings by Christian Composers. Bach 2 2 Apr 1971 6-17
25. David, Hans T.Bach Analyses. J. S. Bach's Prelude in E minor from The Well-tempered Clavier, Book 1. Bach 2 2 Apr 1971 18-19
26. David, Hans T.What every graduate student should know. Notenbuch vor Schülern. Bach 2 2 Apr 1971 27-30
27. David, Hans T.The Six-Four Chord Without Theory: An 'Unofficial' History. Bach 2 3 Jul 1971 7-14
28. David, Hans T.Bach Analyses: J. S. Bach's Fugue in E minor from The Well-tempered Clavier, Book I. Bach 2 3 Jul 1971 15-16
29. David, Hans T.Litterae ab musicis: Hans T. David Writes Concerning The Editing of Early Music. Bach 2 3 Jul 1971 17-20
30. David, Hans T.Music History - A Teaching, Learning, Performing Experience. Notizbuch für Studenten. Bach 2 3 Jul 1971 28-32
31. David, Hans T.The Six-Four Chord Without Theory: An 'Unofficial' History, Part II. Bach 2 4 Oct 1971 3-9
32. David, Hans T.Deceptive Performance Traditions. (1926) English Translation by Alfred Mann. Bach 21 2 Summer 1990 15-22
33. David, Hans T.Trugerische Aufführungstraditionen. [Original Text] Bach 21 2 Summer 1990 23-30
34. David, Hans T.Deceptive Performance Traditions. (1926) (English Translation by Alfred Mann.) [repr. of Bach xxi/2 (Summer 1990)] Bach 25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 36-53
35. David, Hans T.; Mendel, Arthur; Wolff, Christoph (eds.)The New Bach Reader. A Life of Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents. Edited by Hans T. David and Arthur Mendel, revised and enlarged by Christoph Wolff. - New York: W. W. Norton, 1998. liv, 511p. ISBN: 0-393-04558-7. 1998 liv, 511p

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